Thursday, April 2, 2009


Why choose a subject like rape?

Everyone has a story – no one has the gift of living without also experiencing the challenge of loss. Often these losses are considered unspeakable. The ensuing silence robs our world.

While we cannot choose the experiences that define and shape us, we do have the power to choose what comes ‘after.’ This is what I call crafting a ‘magnificent second choice’ life, which is what we are all doing.


  1. This web site is powerful and beautiful. Blessings on your work, Andrea, Anya, and all.

  2. Thank you Thank you! So much. It's been a long time coming. So much material still waiting for me to weave in. I'm at it whenever minutes are available.

  3. Will the show be performed again? I know the piece I did see two years ago was so powerful, and I hope it will continue on.

  4. Yes.
    Hopefully :)
    We are at the beginning of the second stage of development. The documentary DVD of stage one is in process.
    I have been writing the entire body of work for film and with a solid first draft, am deep in the re-write process.
    Thank you for your interest and support.
